Sunday, March 8, 2009

King Arthur Movie Summary

The plot starts when King Arthur and the remaining knights have to take a Bishop to Hadrian’s Wall. During this trip, King Arthur and his knights are attacked by Woads. They fought against the Woads and King Arthur and his knight won the battle. Then they reached Hadrian’s Wall and the mission was over. The knights who are Bors, Tristan, Gawain, Galahad, and Dagonet were expecting discharge from the service of the Empire after serving for fifteen years but instead they had another final mission which was possibly suicidal. The person that gave the mission was Bishop Germanius. The mission for Arthur and his knights were to save a important Roman family of Marius Honorius. Marius’s son may be destined to be Pope one day. Arthur has to explain to his knights about the mission. The Arthur sets off with his knights to the Roman family. He makes it there and has to explain Marius that he had to leave his grand home. Arthur finds and frees to imprisoned Woads. Then King Arthur makes a trip back to the Hadrian Wall with everybody there. Along the journey, they encounter Saxons at an ice-covered river. Arthur, his knights and Guinevere stays to hold off the Saxons to allow the refuges escape. The battle is won when Dagonet runs to the middle of the ice and breaks it with his axe but it was at the cost of his life. Arthur and his knights catch up and continue the journey. They make it to Hadrian’s Wall and all the refuges are safe. King Arthur decides to stay and protect the Woads from the Saxon. The knights come to help with the battle. King Arthur and his knights make an alliance with the Woads. During the battle, Lancelot dies and kill the Saxon leader’s son. King Arthur killed the Saxon leader and the Saxons were defeated. The movie ends when King Arthur marries Guinevere.

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