Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mom accused

There is this mother and another woman face child endagerment charges. This was after a fourteen year old's party. The party ended with two young taken to the hospital. I believe the mother is a forty two year and her name is Karen Christine. The other woman was a twenty five year and her name was Kelsee Guest. They are being accused for providing the young teens with beer for the daughter's party. Downs allegedly offered $10 to whoever could chug a glass of vodka the fastest. Guest is accused of pouring the shots. Police responded to a complaint of a loud party at a home in northern Kansas City. The police found the teenage girls. Most of them told investigators that they had been drinking a lot of beer. One girl was unconscious and taken to the hospital. Her blood content was concluded at .218 which is twice the legal limit to operate a vehicle. A second girl also was taken to the hospital because officers believed she had alcohol poisoning. Officers found between 60 and 70 empty beer bottles. They also found several empty bottles everywhere in the home's basement. The girls told officers that Downs offered them shots and told them not to tell their parents about it. Guest asked the girls if they had any money to buy more beer.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Twelve People Die

Black Pakistani commandos overpowered a group of people who had took control over a police academy. They took cadets hostage. Then they killed at least six of them today in a dramatic challenge. This was to the civilian government that faces U.S. pressure to defeat Islamic people. The security forces went through the place on the outskirts of Lahore. This was to end the eight hour attack by the grenade throwing gunmen. Three militants blew themselves up and authorities arrested four of the militants. At least three other unidentified bodies were recovered. A Taliban member claimed to speak on behalf of a not very famous known group called the Fedayeen al-Islam. He said that they were behind the attack. Gunmen suprised attacked Sri Lanka's cricket team in Lahore. They killed seven people and people didn't think they had the ability to cause so much damage. It was far from Pakistans northwestern regions bordering Afghanistan. Lahore attacked followed a crackdown on the Pakistani group Lashkar-e-Taiba. There has been speculation that Monday's raid was revenge for the crackdown. Pakistan's not great ability to prevent the attack appeared to be a very smart failure. The security forces fired their guns in the air in celebration.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

SATA tennis tournament

Today and yesterday I was in a SATA tennis tournament. SATA stands for Sacremento Area Tennis Association. In this tournament, you have to win two out of three sets. I warmed up before my first match. I had a bye for a match. My first match was against Scott Lucio at 12:30 P.M. The match was delayed for thirty minutes because there were no courts to use. He was a little challenging. Scott Lucio never gave up and had a good additude the whole time. He wasn't angry when he lost. I feel that he has good sportsmanship unlike Owen, a tennis player, that my brother played against. I had a lot of forehand and backhand winners. I had a lot of good dropshots that went in and some bad ones that went out. In this match, I learned to not underestimate my opponent because I thought I could beat him six to zero and six to zero. Instead of six to zero and six to zero, the final score was six to two and six to two. My second match was against a guy named Anthony A. at 9:00 A.M. My mom was videoing part of this match. In the first set, I was losing two to one. Then I came back and beat him six to four and six to four. This match was very difficult because there was a lot of wind and my opponent wouldn't show signs of weakness and didnt't give up. In the end, I won the match and got a first place trophy. I am so happy that I won.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tennis Lesson

Today I had another tennis lesson with Coach Doug. My family and I had a ball machine orientation with Coach Doug. Coach Doug told us how to adjust the height of the ball and how much it goes left and right. After the ball machine orientation, I had my tennis lesson while Shayn was using the ball machine. I had to start by running three laps around the tennis court while he was getting out the tennis ball cart. Then I had to jumprope forward. For some reason, I jumprope backwards which is not normal. I got somewhere around fifteen or more in a row. I started with groundstrokes at the tennis lesson. I started off with my forehand. We started off without the racket so I can see the right form of the swing. He also talked about the big muscles which are the hips, shoulder, and foot. Then he let me take some groundstrokes with my racket. I did the correct form sometimes but sometimes I messed up. After that I took some serves. He showed me the right form. I tryed doing it but I messed up sometimes because I am to used to my form. I could see that my serves were doing better with not that much effort. It seems as if the form helped my serve. I picked up the balls after my serves and then it was Shayn's turn.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Serial Killer

Dale Hausner is a main suspect for Pheonix Serial Shooter attacks. He was sentenced to death today for six murders that put the city on edge for two years. He also attacked nineteen others at random in 2005 to 2006. The jury's decisions were announced. Dale Hausner was keeping his head down as he went through papers in front of him. He got lead out of the courtroom. He also thanked the judge for the trial. Hausner's mother was taken out of the courtroom through a back door by one of Dale Hausner's lawyers. Tim Agan wouldn't comment on the six death sentences. Hausner is thirty six years old. He apologized to the families of the victims on Thursday and he told them that he would take a punishment like a man. He declined the opportunity to call his own witnesses. He is scheduled to be sentenced Monday on 74 other convictions. Hausner preyed on pedestrians, bicyclists, dogs and horses. Authorities called meetings that drew hundreds of people. Dieteman had bragged about shooting people. Dieteman pleaded guilty to two of the killings and is awaiting sentencing. He testified against Hausner saying he and his roommate went around late at night looking for strangers to shoot. He could also face the death penalty. This is all I know.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mount Redoubt

Mount Redoubt erupted a lot of times today. It was shooting out more than 12 mile high that could drop ash on Anchorage for the first time since the volcano began erupting Sunday night. The Alaska Volcano Observatory saidd the first eruption about 8:30 a.m. A second eruption about an hour later sent ash 65000 feet high. The largest eruption caused a mud flow into the Drift River near the base of the volcano. Before Thursday's eruptions the volcano had been very quiet for more than a day. Prevailing winds are supposed to carry ash from the larger eruption east across Cook Inlet toward some of Alaska's larger communities. An ash fall advisory for the western Kenai Peninsula covers the towns of Kenai. Alaska Airlines canceled all flights to and from Anchorage until sunrise Friday. All planes at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage were placed in shelters or moved to other bases. Ash poses a significant threat to aircraft engines. The National Weather Service also issued a flash flood warning for the Drift River near the volcano. Eruptions can cause snow and ice to melt on the mountain. This can be resulting in flooding along the river that drains from the mountain. The mud flows also have littered the airport.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A plane crashes

An air force's very good F-22 fighter jet crashed today in a Calfornia desert. This crash killed a test pilot. The jet crashed at about 10 am 35 miles northeast of the Air Force Base. The pilot was David Cooley. He is 49 years old. He's also a 21 year Air Force veteran and joined Lockhead Martin in 2003.There are not really any details about this accident. They also don't know if Cooley attempted to eject from the plane. The first responders transported Cooley from the crash scene to Victor Valley Community Hospital which is in Victorville. This is where he was pronounced dead. Cooley was part of a team of company and Air Force pilots who conduct F-22 testing. A board of officers is investigating the crash. The Air Force told people to stay away from the site because there could be dangerous materials may have been released. The radar evading F-22s each cost $140 million and are designed for air. The warplanes can carry air to air missiles. These jets are also capable of ground attack as well. F-22s were grounded for two weeks after one crashed at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada in December 2004. The U.S. is committed to 183 F-22s, down from the original plan laid out in the 1980s to build 750. Lockheed Martin says there are 95,000 jobs at 1,000 companies connected to the F-22.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Alaska Volcano

There are new tremors at Alaska's Mount Redoubt. The volcano is getting unstable. The volcano is ten thousand two hundred feet high. This volcano erupted six times on Sunday and Monday. Here's what a couple of volcanologist said. A volcanologist at the Alaska Volcano Observatory said Tuesday that Redoubt was exhibiting activity that could indicate it is creating a formation called a lava dome. Volcanologist Peter Cervelli said such a formation can collapse, creating more ash plumes and mudflows. Mount Recoubt is around one hundred feet away from Anchorage. Alaska's Mount Redoubt's first couple of eruptions in nearly twenty years. A total of six were found between Sunday night and Monday night. Mount Redoubt sent a volcanic ash plume more than nine miles into the air and down into shops and places. The ash missed the state's largest city. The ash dusted a lot of the small cities. The National Weather Service had an ash advisory in effect until 5 a.m. Tuesday for the Susitna Valley. There were no reported injuries. The wind took ash away from Anchorage. The wind moved toward Willow and Talkeetna. Then the wind went near Mount McKinley and North America's largest mountain. The Alaska Volcano Observatory reports that the sixth eruption came at 7:41 p.m. Monday. The five earlier eruptions came late Sunday night into Monday morning.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Astronauts complete walk

There were two astronauts teaching middle school children five years ago. They made a spacewalk together today. Their path cleared of junk that was threatening the space station and shuttle. Yesterday, the shuttle station place had too move out of the way of a four inch piece of junk. This junk had been projected to come close during the spacewalk. Astronauts Joseph Acaba and Richard Arnold II had no luck freeing up a stuck equipment storage shelf at the international space station. This was one of their main tasks. They used a hammer and were able to loosen a pin that they accidentally placed. This was the first time two former schoolteachers took a spacewalk together. This is their second time doing it. Their previous spacewalk were with other astronauts. They had fun doing this spacewalk together. Joseph and Richard were both in their forties. NASA picked them as educator astronauts in 2004 somewhere. The jammed storage platform was located on the left side of the space station that holds the solar wings. The space junk was a problem for the two hundred twenty mile high space station. The spacewalkers did move the equipment cart from one end of the space station to the other. This is all I know

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tennis Tournament

Today I played in a tennis tournament. This tennis tournament was a round robin. It was supposed to be on Saturday, but it go delayed by the rain. In this round robin tournament, you played a total of seven games. I warmed up right before my first match. My first match was with a girl named Megan. This match was very easy for me. I got a couple of aces on her, and I rarely ever made any mistakes. I also did a lot of dropshot and winners. The tennis lesson from coach Doug helped me as well. In the end, I beat her seven to zero. The second match I had was with a girl named Kendle. I knew her from the summer team tennis. This match to me was a little challanging. Kendle would hit winners at me. The ready position lesson from coach Doug helped me. I didn't have any aces but a couple of winners. I mostly did dropshots then lobs to make her run all over the place. The slight tough time caused me to win five to two. My next match was against Jonna. I played Jonna in the last round robin tournament and I lost five to one. This time I gave him some dropshots and he got frustrated. He didn't control his anger and lost five to two. I was so happy that I made it to the finals.In the finals, against Manny I had a really tough time. He had a good lead but I didn't give up. I did my dropshots but he could get to them. I did a lot of dropshots in the beginning of the game. I saw that my strategy wasn't working so I changed it. I changed it to baseline shots. This helped me prevail and win Manny six to four. The finals was a set. This was a fun tournament.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tennis Lessons

Today I had tennis lessons with coach Doug. I had to start off with three laps around the court. Then I had to jump rope. I learned a lot of things. For example, I learned to have a better ready position. My old ready position made me slower and took me longer to prepare to return a serve, forhand, or backhand. This position made my shots better and more powerful. I believe that this position made me better at tennis. First, he told me to do a practice swing of my backhand. Another thing that I learned was to relax when I hit my backhand. He told me a couple of the mistakes and I fixed them. I used to hit it too hard or slice it too much. I noticed that the new position helped me with this part of the lesson. The third example is on my forehand. First, he told me to show a practice swing on my forehand. He told me a couple of the mistakes and I fixed them. I learned to bend a certain amount to do a good forehand. The new ready position helped me with this as well. Coach Doug didn't do volleying yet. Then I had a couple of serves. He told me that baseball could help my tennis game, and we did some catching and throwing. I had to start off with the fundamentals so I couldn't do my jump serves. I enjoyed the lesson and I think coach Doug taught me very well. He made me understand what he was saying.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Environmental Disaster Avoided

There is a good new about this environmental crisis. We dodged disaster with the ozone layer. There's a NASA study about the ozone chemicals from sprays and refrigeration. This was to play a game of what if. They say that by 2065 two-thirds of the protective ozone layer would have vanished and "the ozone hole covers the Earth." The CFC's which are long lived greenhouse gases would have pushed the world's temperature up an extra 4 degrees. DNA damaging ultraviolet radiation would have increased more than sixfold in mid latitudes like Washington. Fi -ve minutes in the summer sunshine would have caused a sunburn instead of fifteen. Normal midsummer UV levels arenow around ten or eleven would have soared to thirty. Summer thunderstorms in the Northern Hemisphere would have been much stronger. Here's what someone said. "It is a real horrible place," Newman told The Associated Press. The event was luckily avoided. After scientists raised warnings in the early 1970s later earning a Nobel Prize 193 nations agreed in the 1987 treaty called the Montreal Protocol to cut CFC emissions. The cochair said the study provides hope that the world can do the same thing on another looming but even harder to solve environmental problem which is global warming.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I learned about the reproductive system in school for science. There are ten male organs and nine female organs. Here is a list of the male organs: Vas Deferens, Prostate, Gland, Penis, Urethra, Glans, Epididymus, Testes, Scrotum, Seminal Vesicles, Cowpers Gland, and Foreskin. The Vas Deferens is a tube the sperm travels between the epididymus and seminal vesicles. The penis is to place the sperm into the vagina. The prostate gland provides fluid to sustain the sperm on its voyage to the egg. The urethra is a tube by which the sperm leaves the body. The glans is for sexual pleasure. The testes produce sperm and male hormones. The scrotum protects testes and regulares the temperature of the testes. The seminal vesicles is a storage, waiting place for the sperm to mature, and feeds the sperm. The cowpers gland neutralizes acidic urine in urethra. The foreskin protects the glans. These are the woman organs: Labia, Vagina, Uterus, Clitoris, Cervix, Ovaries, Fimbris, Fallopian Tube, and the Urethra. The labia is a protective flap. The vagina is know as the birth canal because thats how the baby comes out. The uterus is where the fetus is. The clitoris is for sexual pleasure. The cervix allows the sperm to enter. Ovaries produces eggs and realeases and egg every month. The fimbris collects the egg. The fallopian tube transfers and egg from the ovary to the uterus. The urethra does the samething.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Natasha Richardson Dies

Natasha Richardson was a gifted and precious to acting royalty whose career highlights included the film Patty Hearst and a Tony-winning performance in a stage revival of Cabaret. She died today at age 45 after suffering a head injury from a skiing accident. Alan Nierob, the Los Angeles-based publicist for Richardson's husband Liam Neeson, confirmed her death in a written statement. The statement did not give details on the cause of death for Richardson, who suffered a head injury when she fell on a beginner's trail during a private ski lesson at the luxury Mont Tremblant ski resort in Quebec. She was hospitalized Tuesday in Montreal and later flown to a hospital in New York. Family members had been seen coming and going from the New York hospital where Richardson was taken. It was a horrifying loss for her family, friends and for the film and theater communities and her many fans and for both her native and adoptive countries. Richardson was a proper Londoner who came to love the noise of New York. If she never quite attained the acting heights of her Academy Award-winning mother, she still had enjoyed a long and worthy career. Like other family members, she divided her time between stage and screen. On Broadway, she won a Tony for her performance as Sally Bowles in a 1998 revival of Cabaret.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Shuttle Discovery make it to the space station

Space shuttle Discovery arrived at the international space station Tuesday, delivering one last set of solar wings that should boost the orbiting to full power. The two crews 10 people in all shook hands and hugged when the hatches between them swung open. Fincke paid a special welcome to newcomer Koichi Wakata. Before pulling up, commander Lee Archambault guided Discovery through a 360-degree back flip so the station astronauts could photograph its belly. Fincke said even though the station residents didn't hear the go-ahead to take pictures because of communication system trouble. The digital pictures more than 200 of them were immediately transmitted to Earth. Experts will scrutinize the images for any signs of launch damage, standard procedure following the 2003 Columbia disaster. A chunk of fuel-tank foam smacked Columbia's wing at liftoff, dooming the shuttle and its crew during reentry two weeks later. Fincke and his two station crewmates were thrilled to finally get some company. Discovery and its crew of seven were supposed to show up last month, but launch delays kept the shuttle grounded until Sunday. The postponements resulted in a shortened visit. Loaded aboard Discovery are two solar wings that will be installed at the space station later this week. The electricity-producing panels will join six others already in place four on one side and two on the other and finally make the outpost look balanced.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Obama attempts to loosen credit

President Barack Obama freed billions of dollars to help the nation's small businesses on Monday, hoping to get credit flowing again to Main Street, not just Wall Street. The centerpiece of Obama's latest plan will allow the government to spend up to $15 billion to buy the small business loans that are now hurting community banks and lenders. In turn, could allow those banks to start lending money again to small companies to invest pay bills and stay afloat. Obama's effort at one level was fundamental to helping the economy rebound. Small businesses have created about 70 percent of the new jobs over the past decade and as their credit lines have dried up so has their ability to thrive or survive. There was also a political component to all the attention the president gave to small businesses. The White House is aware of the nation's bailout fatigue hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars have gone to go up financial giants who made poor decisions while many others who have done no wrong have paid the price. Obama's primary focus was on leaders of small companies and community lenders. He met with some privately in the White House's Roosevelt Room and cited their stories as inspiration as he announced his details in the East Room.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tennis Tournament

I played against Konner and Milan Zhou. The game score against Konner were 6-1 and 6-1. I served second for both sets against Konner. I won the match against Konner. I think I won because I had more experience than Konner and had a better serve than he did. The match against Konner wasn't very challanging but I had fun. The game score against Milan was 6-3 and 6-2. I served first on the first set against Milan. Milan won the match against me but he had a tough time. I think I lost because he had more experience than me and he hit lobs with heavy topspin on it. Another reason I lost is because I made some unforced errors. The match was tough for him because I made him run a lot. I hit it left and right and did a couple of dropshots. I think my backhand needs inprovement and my forehand needs to be a little bit more accurate. I also think my serve should have some topspin or goes faster. My dropshots need to be more accurate because 1/10 times the ball went into the net or out of bounds. In this tournament, I learned to calm myself down and play as hard as you can.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Seven Dead Bodies Found

Police acting on a tip found seven bodies partially buried in the desert on the outskirts of the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez, an official said Saturday. Investigators are searching the desert site south of the city to see whether there are any more bodies. An official with the state prosecutor's office who declined to be named in line with department policy says a police officer's badge was found at the site. Authorities were working to identify the bodies.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Japan Protests

Japan protests NKorea's rocket launch plan. Japan thinks the launch could fail for an incoming North Korean rocket, but analysts said the communist country will go ahead with a planned April launch with little fear of the consequences. The North announced this week it will send a satellite into orbit between April 4-8. The rocket's first stage is expected to fall in waters less than 75 miles (120 kilometers) from Japan's northwestern shore, according to coordinates Pyongyang provided to U.N. agencies. The other zone where the second stage should fall lies in the middle of the Pacific Ocean between Japan and Hawaii. The U.S. and other governments have warned that any rocket launch whether missile test or satellite would violate a 2006 U.N. Security Council resolution banning North Korea from ballistic missile activity. Japan, which was shaken in 1998 when a North Korean missile flew over its territory and landed in the Pacific, has since moved to develop missile defense capabilities with some success. It downed a ballistic missile from a ship at sea in a 2007 test. Ultimately, a successful satellite launch would provide North Korea with the upper hand in its future negotiations with the U.S. as it would mean the country could show it has a delivery vehicle for its nuclear weapons, according to Paik Hak-soon, a North Korea expert at the private think tank Sejong Institute near Seoul.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Alabama Shooter

Officials blame a man for the worst massacre in Alabama history was depressed and angry with his inability to become a Marine or a police officer. Authorities say 28-year-old Michael McLendon killed five family members and five other people before fatally shooting himself Tuesday. Barry Tucker with the Alabama Bureau of Investigation says McLendon had told a confidant in the days before the shootings that he was depressed and unfulfilled. He would have been a Marine briefly. He wasn't a marine because he was discharged for falsifying information. He also tried and failed to become a police officer. Authorities also say he left a letter saying he had killed his mother and planned to kill himself. He also mentioned a family dispute over a legal issue but authorities say he didn't reveal plans to kill any one else. Investigators found dozens of soot-covered DVDs on how to commit acts of violence in the charred Alabama home where a man killed his mother at the start of the worst massacre in state history a county official said Thursday. Authorities say Michael McLendon set his mother's body on fire Tuesday afternoon. He later killed nine more people. Four of them were family members. The he shoots himself.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Teen Murders People

Today, there was a seventeen year old boy using a Beretta 9 mm pistol went into classrooms at his former high school and shot students. Some of whom died with their pencils still in hand. In a rampage that ended with 15 dead before he took his own life, authorities said. There was no immediate indication of motive. The gunman's victims were primarily female. Eight of nine students killed were girls, and all three teachers were women. Three men were killed later as the suspect, identified by police as Tim K., fled. The gunman dressed in all black took students in the first classroom completely by surprise. This was evidenced by the scene that awaited the first officers to arrive, said regional police director Ralf Michelfelder. The dark haired teen, shown wearing glasses in pictures on German television probably took the weapon from his father's collection of 16 firearms along with a "multitude of ammunition," police said. His father was a member of the local gun club. His father also kept the weapons locked away except for the pistol, which was kept in the bedroom. Police said the suspect was a German teen who was a below-average student at the school of about 1,000 pupils, but managed to graduate last year.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Madoff Plead Guilty

It was revealed Tuesday that Bernard Madoff will plead guilty Thursday to securities fraud. He could face up to 150 years in prison for one of the largest frauds in history. His lawyer, Ira Sorkin, told a judge that Madoff planned to plead guilty this week without a plea deal. Madoff has been under house arrest in his $7 million Manhattan penthouse since he was arrested in early December after authorities said he confessed to his family that he had carried out a $50 billion fraud. Prosecutors raised the size of the fraud to $64.8 billion. Madoff wore a bulletproof vest and arrive about three hours before the hearing. Several lawyers for investors showed up as spectator. The courtroom was largely packed with members of the media. Here's what someone said. Attorney Marc Litt said there was no plea deal and that Madoff could be exposed to the maximum penalty of 15o years in prison. Someone limited investors who want to speak at the hearing to those challenging whether the plea should be accepted or whether Madoff should be allowed to remain on bail pending sentencing. Prosecutors say Madoff operated a massive Ponzi scheme in which his clients' funds were misappropriated and converted to the use of Madoff, his business and others.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Obama opens up cell work

President Barack Obama told researchers on Monday to follow science. Researchers said the new president's message was clear. "Science, which once propelled men to the moon, again matters in American life". Opponents saw it differently a defeat for morality in the most basic questions of life and death. The most immediate effect will allow federally funded researchers to use hundreds of new embryonic stem cell lines for promising. Those researchers had to have 21 stem cell lines created before August 2001. Now they can use hundreds. You shouldn't expect stem cell cures anytime soon. A company this summer will begin the world's first study of a treatment using human embryonic stem cells. These are for people recently suffered spinal cord injuries. Research institutions on Monday were getting ready to ask for more freely flowing federal money. The average National Institution of Health stem cell grant is $1.5 million spread out over four years. Scientists focused on a new sense of freedom. This is what Wendy Wright said. "President Obama's order places the worst kind of politics above ethics politics driven by hype makes overblown promises, fuels the desperation of the suffering and financially benefits those seeking to strip morality from science." I believe that Barack Obama is doing the wrong thing and his going to be hated by a lot of people.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

King Arthur Movie Summary

The plot starts when King Arthur and the remaining knights have to take a Bishop to Hadrian’s Wall. During this trip, King Arthur and his knights are attacked by Woads. They fought against the Woads and King Arthur and his knight won the battle. Then they reached Hadrian’s Wall and the mission was over. The knights who are Bors, Tristan, Gawain, Galahad, and Dagonet were expecting discharge from the service of the Empire after serving for fifteen years but instead they had another final mission which was possibly suicidal. The person that gave the mission was Bishop Germanius. The mission for Arthur and his knights were to save a important Roman family of Marius Honorius. Marius’s son may be destined to be Pope one day. Arthur has to explain to his knights about the mission. The Arthur sets off with his knights to the Roman family. He makes it there and has to explain Marius that he had to leave his grand home. Arthur finds and frees to imprisoned Woads. Then King Arthur makes a trip back to the Hadrian Wall with everybody there. Along the journey, they encounter Saxons at an ice-covered river. Arthur, his knights and Guinevere stays to hold off the Saxons to allow the refuges escape. The battle is won when Dagonet runs to the middle of the ice and breaks it with his axe but it was at the cost of his life. Arthur and his knights catch up and continue the journey. They make it to Hadrian’s Wall and all the refuges are safe. King Arthur decides to stay and protect the Woads from the Saxon. The knights come to help with the battle. King Arthur and his knights make an alliance with the Woads. During the battle, Lancelot dies and kill the Saxon leader’s son. King Arthur killed the Saxon leader and the Saxons were defeated. The movie ends when King Arthur marries Guinevere.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Telescope Sent to Space

Yesterday, a telescope was fired into space to look for other Earths. The telescope was sent in a faraway patch of the Milky Way galaxy. If the telescope doesn't find anything, Earths are very rare. That's all I know.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Mcleodgaming.com is a website with games,music,cartoons,and more.There are some games and the games are supersmash flash,supersmash flash2,ping pong,multiplayer ping pong,and impossible ping pong.Super smash flash is identical to super smash bros melee but super smash flash is worse and has more characters.Super smash flash2 is identical to Super smash bros. brawl but has more characters and is a lot better.

NASA Finally Decided

NASA is positive that the launch will be on Wednesday night for space shuttle Discovery. Seven astronauts will ride this space shuttle into orbit. That's all I know.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Induvidual Sports where you can't blame others

Here are a list of individual sports.
1. Golf
2. Swimming
3. Archery
4. Bowling
5. Fishing
6. Running
7. Bicycle
8. Trampoline
9. Canoe

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

NASA Delays

NASA delays space shuttle launch to next Wednesday. The mission has been delayed a lot for tests on engine valves. The launch was initially scheduled on Feb. 12. That's all I know.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Moon found in Saturn

Scientists found a new moon in Saturn's ring. The moon is about a third of a mile. Saturn has over 5 dozen moons. I don't know when they found this new moon.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ancient Tomb

An ancient tomb was rediscovered under sands of Egypt. Belgian archaeologists found a 3,500 year old. This tomb was a pharonic official's tomb. The tomb was already discovered about 130 years ago. The tomb was first discovered by Swedish Egyptologist Karl Piehl. The tomb was buried under sand until the Belgian archaeologists found it this year.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Texas Wildfire

There were 25 homes destroyed in a central Texas wildfire. The wildfire was fueled by graa, trees, and brushes. It was started by a fallen power line yesterday. The wildfire reached over a sqaure mile.