Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Speech

Hello my name is Shawn Voon and I did my persuasive speech on littering. I am for littering to be illegal everywhere. There are many reasons why littering is bad. Littering is bad because money is being used to clean up the litter, litter can be harmful, and it isn’t being stopped.
My first reason is that money is being used to clean up litter. People that would argue this reason would say how can litter waste the government’s money. In fact, they don’t know that the government pays an annual cost of one hundred fifteen million dollars for roadside litter control nationwide. Litter is also a cause to a large economic loss towards a country. In the U.S.A, According to the National Fire Protection Association, cigarettes that created fires result in $400 million in direct property damage each year. This adds more money for the government to pay because of littering.
The second reason is that littering is harmful. A counterargument for this would be that littering couldn’t hurt anybody because it’s just trash. According to the National Fire Protection Association, cigarettes that created fires result in more than 1,000 civilian deaths and 3,000 critical injuries. Littering can also harm small animals and their ecosystems. The small animals could get stuck in small jars or bottles. Rats are drawn to litter and they carry a lot of disease that make people ill. The disease could kill people making littering harmful. Every year over five thousand birds, fish and, other animals die from litter. These facts conclude that litter may be just trash but it can injure or kill living things that didn’t deserve to be killed by a bad choice people made.
My final reason is that littering isn’t being stopped. Someone that would argue this reason would say that littering can be stopped. It isn’t being stopped because people are started to get lazy as technology advances. A couple more reasons why littering isn’t being stopped is because most people don’t care, they have no sense of pride, or lack of consequence in their actions. Statistics show at least 80% of people that smoke litter because there is no ash tray, they are to lazy, or there are no garbage cans around. Statistics also show that there are about a million of people littering every day. An expert opinion from the Green Eco Services say that littering can be stopped, and there is no reason to litter in the first place.

In conclusion, I am for littering to be illegal everywhere because it’s spending a lot of money to fix, harmful to plants and animals, and it’s is not stopping. People can stop littering and it’s the little choices we make that make a big impact on the world. Once again, I’m Shawn Voon and I hope you enjoyed my speech.

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