Thursday, May 14, 2009

British Explorers

British explorers in northern Canada went to measure the thickness of floating Arctic sea ice. They ended their expedition short of reaching the North Pole due to an early summer ice melt. That's what the team said on Thursday. Explorers Pen Hadow, Ann Daniel, and Martin Hartley had planned a three month journey to the North Pole. It ended their trek Wednesday, approximately 304 miles from their destination. That's what Hadow siad. The trio stopped after 73 days. They measured the thickness of floating sea ice to provide data to scientists studying the impact of global warming in the region. This year, the summer melt came a little early. That's what Hadow said during a Webcast conference from Resolute Bay in northern Canada. We would have rather reached the Pole if we could have, but we've always regarded as the cherry on the cake. He also said that. Information the team gathers could make a better understanding of global warming. This is believed to be the main enemy in the rapidly melting polar ice cap that is freeing up new sea routes and untapped mineral resources on the ocean bottom. This is all the information I could find on this subject.

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