Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kidnapped 2 Aid Workers

Today, there were somewhere around twenty five gunmen that had machine guns who kidnapped two European aid workers in Somalia. Michel Peremans is a spokesman for the Belgian chapter of Medecins Sans Frontieres. He made sure that a Dutch and a Belgian staff member of his agency were missing in the region. This is where the attack occurred. There were a couple of security reasons. He didn't answer to whether they had been taken hostage. There was a witness who is Abdirahman Isaq. Abdiranhman was somewhere when it was stopped. It traveled between Radhure village and the town of Wajid in central Somalia. The group of kidnappers had cloth wrapped around their faces. Isaq said other clan elders had told him the two had made radio contact with their base in Somalia to confirm the kidnapping. The two were working in Bakool. Bakool is a central region near the Ethiopian border and far from the coastline where Somalia's pirate gangs are based.The capture of aid workers has long been a common problem in Somalia. This capture often made kidnappers get more money from ransoms. There is no proof that kidnappings are linked to a piracy off Somalia. The ransoms pirates have received from ship owners may have told the value of foreigners as hostages in a country where half the population needs foreign aid. This is interesting and kind of mean to kidnap foreigners.

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